Look, I know that the colored jeans are totally in style right now. I bought a couple pairs. I'm on board. That being said, I have to admit that it takes me a minute to accept the fact that I AM WEARING RED PANTS. Let's just take a minute to let that sink in. It's a pretty big departure for me.
This was a conversation between me and Grant this morning:
Grant: Did I hear you get up with her in the middle of the night?
Me: Yeah, around 3... she was just up against the bars of the crib so I just moved her. She went right back to sleep.
Grant: And so then she woke up at 7:30?
Me: Yep!
A few seconds pass....
Me: Wait, no.... I fed her. When did I feed her? I got up and fed her early this morning at some point. I think. I can't remember.
Grant: You can't remember?
Me: YES. I definitely fed her. Around 5 or 5:30. Totally forgot about that.
So I am officially losing my mind :)
I took her to the pediatrician this morning cause I was certain she had an ear infection. Turns out she is perfectly healthy and I am totally the crazy mom. How did I become this person?!?