Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Is Gonna Be a Long One, Folks

Buckle up people.

I haven't blogged in a really really REALLY long time. It's the longest I've ever gone. But I don't want to drag this puppy out into 2011 so I'm just gonna do one really big blog to explain myself and my absenteeism.

Continue reading if you dare. We may be here awhile.

The first reason that I haven't blogged is this: The day after my last post, I got sicky sicky sicky sick. I had an upper respiratory infection and a sinus infection and 48 hours of a very high fever. I went to the doctor and got antibiotics but I was drugged up and in bed for days and missed alot of work. The fevers were not very fun. I lost my voice and I was oh-so-attractive.

But I had to press on because I had to get ready for the trip of the century. Grant and I were gone for ten days. We flew to New Orleans, drove to Alabama so Grant could be a groomsman in a wedding, drove to Orlando to spend FIVE DAYS in Disney, drove back to New Orleans (10 HOURS) for Christmas Eve and Christmas, and then flew back to Houston. I AM OVER THE TRAVELING.

Seriously though, we had a GREAT trip!!

See, look at my pictures :)
The twins, Evan and Emily, will be 2 in February. THEY ARE A DELIGHT!!

And this is Miss Olivia Claire. She and I did alot of bonding on this trip. And snuggling. And I kissed her cheeks alot. She almost came home with me because I almost stole her.

Hooray for the Magic Kingdom!! This is Grant's mom and dad in front of the beautiful castle. Thanks for the great trip!!

Grant's cousins were with us as well. This is Grant and 3 year old Sofia. This picture was making my heart ache.

Look at that smile!!

Okay and one more of Evan just cause he's such a punkin.

And here's our Emily. Or Emmy. Or Ema-lily. She is FULL of personality and spunk!

This castle just mesmerized me. I love when Tinkerbell flies!

It was a great trip, but after ten days of traveling we were ready to be home in our comfy bed and get our dog from the kennel. Poor Moxie, he didn't do so well at the kennel. They had to give him valium because they said he was in such a panic.

So when we finally got home, we came home to a little home maintenance issue called WE HAD NO WATER IN OUR HOUSE. Unfortunately, while we were gone a pipe broke in the front yard. Thankfully, one of our awesome awesome neighbors called the water company who came out and turned off our water. And then to make things even better, anothing AMAZING neighbor came over and helped Grant fix the broken pipe. We have a large hole in our front yard now but we can use the shower! Poor Grant came home from a big trip and then had to spend hours in the front yard digging a hole! But we could've come home to a much bigger problem if we weren't surrounded by such great neighbors!

Then we spent Sunday and Monday over at my mom's house having quality Christmas time with my family. I have some girly girly little girl nieces and a spunky little nephew too. They warm my heart.

I LOVE quality family time. Good food, good presents, good kids.

And then I came home and went to bed and had to go back to work today :( I have SO MUCH catching up to do at the office after missing almost two weeks but I made a large dent today!

I feel like there is so much more to tell but I can't think straight. I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!

Here are a few photos that my sweet friend Sarah Shalley from Sarah Shalley Photography took for us in November.

I'm glad to be back!


Jaclyn said...

i miss you already!!!

Lindsey said...

1---LOVE DISNEY, and all of your pictures!

2---Next time you drive through the great state of Alabama, you need to inform me. :)

3---Those pictures of you and Grant at the end...WONDERFUL!

4---Great Christmas recap, now get some rest!

Ashley McWhorter said...

You look beautiful in your pics! Glad you're back!!!